The History of Utopia and the Destiny of Its Critique
Abensour, Miguel. “The History of Utopia and the Destiny of Its Critique.” The Political Uses of Utopia: New Marxist, Anarchist, and Radical Democratic Perspectives. Ed. S[ylwia] D[ominika] Chrostowska and James D. Ingram (New York: Columbia University Press, 2016), 3-56. Originally published as “L’histoire de l’utopie et le destin de sa critique.” Textures, nos. 6/7 - 8/9 (1973 - 1974): 3-26; 55-81; repub. with minor revisions, which are followed here, in his Utopiques IV: L’Histoire de l’utopie et le destin de sa critique (Paris: Sens et Tonka, 2016). No translator given.