Abiezer Coppe: Selected Writings

dc.contributor.editorHopton, Andrew
dc.descriptionL Coppe (1619-72). A Fiery Flying Role (1650) (1655) Thomason E587 (13, 14); A Remonstrance of the sincere and zealous Protestation (1651) (57-62) Thomason E621 (5); Copp’s Return to the wayes of Truth (1651) (163-97) Thomason E637 (14); Divine Fire Worke (98-105) Thomason 669.f.20 (45); A Character of a True Christian Song (1680) (106-09) Lutt. II 35; Appendix: Die Veneris, I Februarii, 1649 [Order that A Fiery Flying Role be burnt] (111) Thomason 669.f.15 (10) Introduction (3-13). “Throughout all Coppe’s works the vision of an equal society founded on practical charity is the common theme” (7).
dc.identifier.citationHopton, Andrew, ed. Abiezer Coppe: Selected Writings. London: Aporia Press, 1987. L Coppe (1619-72). A Fiery Flying Role (1650) (1655) Thomason E587 (13, 14); A Remonstrance of the sincere and zealous Protestation (1651) (57-62) Thomason E621 (5); Copp’s Return to the wayes of Truth (1651) (163-97) Thomason E637 (14); Divine Fire Worke (98-105) Thomason 669.f.20 (45); A Character of a True Christian Song (1680) (106-09) Lutt. II 35; Appendix: Die Veneris, I Februarii, 1649 [Order that A Fiery Flying Role be burnt] (111) Thomason 669.f.15 (10) Introduction (3-13). “Throughout all Coppe’s works the vision of an equal society founded on practical charity is the common theme” (7).
dc.publisherAporia Press
dc.rightsmetadata only access
dc.titleAbiezer Coppe: Selected Writings
