Political Utopia of the Year 2000. To all the people of the Pacific region/ L’utopie politique de l’an 2000. A tous les peuples du Pacifique. At head of title Eleventh Anniversary of the Republic of Vanuatu/Onzieme anniversaire de la Republique de Vanuatu

dc.contributor.authorLeymang, Gérard
dc.coverage.spatialPort Vila, Vanuatu
dc.descriptionAuthor is a Catholic priest. Proposes a confederation of the Pacific islands. The Melanesian Confederation, the Polynesian Confederation, and the Micronesian Confederation will come together in a South Pacific States Parliament.
dc.identifier.citationLeymang, Gérard (1937-). Political Utopia of the Year 2000. To all the people of the Pacific region/ L’utopie politique de l’an 2000. A tous les peuples du Pacifique. At head of title Eleventh Anniversary of the Republic of Vanuatu/Onzieme anniversaire de la Republique de Vanuatu. [Port Vila, Vanuatu: Gérard Leymang, 1991]. ATL Author is a Catholic priest. Proposes a confederation of the Pacific islands. The Melanesian Confederation, the Polynesian Confederation, and the Micronesian Confederation will come together in a South Pacific States Parliament.
dc.publisherGérard Leymang
dc.rightsmetadata only access
dc.titlePolitical Utopia of the Year 2000. To all the people of the Pacific region/ L’utopie politique de l’an 2000. A tous les peuples du Pacifique. At head of title Eleventh Anniversary of the Republic of Vanuatu/Onzieme anniversaire de la Republique de Vanuatu
