A Description of New Athens in Terra Australis Incognita (Letter I.)

alimentopia.company-"Being come down the Hill, at an Inn at the Foot of it, (...)" -"One thing is remarkable, That there is no Trade that is offensive to the Nose, the Eyes or Ears, that is permitted in the City itself: Thus, Butchers, Poulterers, Smiths, Washer-women, and the like are confin'd to little Suburbs divided from the City by a small Canal, whose Streets are every Morning washed by Waters from certain Engines, which throw a Stream through every Street, that carries off all the Filth that such Trades produce" -"In the College there is a publick Hall, in which the Members are oblig'd to dine together, at least, twice a Week; where, after Dinner, which is generally about two a Clock, they spend two or three Hours in learned Discourse, help up by the Benefit of a Bottle of the finest Wine in the World"
alimentopia.places-"Being come down the Hill, at an Inn at the Foot of it, (...)" -"One thing is remarkable, That there is no Trade that is offensive to the Nose, the Eyes or Ears, that is permitted in the City itself: Thus, Butchers, Poulterers, Smiths, Washer-women, and the like are confin'd to little Suburbs divided from the City by a small Canal, whose Streets are every Morning washed by Waters from certain Engines, which throw a Stream through every Street, that carries off all the Filth that such Trades produce" -"In the College there is a publick Hall, in which the Members are oblig'd to dine together, at least, twice a Week; where, after Dinner, which is generally about two a Clock, they spend two or three Hours in learned Discourse, help up by the Benefit of a Bottle of the finest Wine in the World"
alimentopia.species-"Being come down the Hill, at an Inn at the Foot of it, (...)" -"One thing is remarkable, That there is no Trade that is offensive to the Nose, the Eyes or Ears, that is permitted in the City itself: Thus, Butchers, Poulterers, Smiths, Washer-women, and the like are confin'd to little Suburbs divided from the City by a small Canal, whose Streets are every Morning washed by Waters from certain Engines, which throw a Stream through every Street, that carries off all the Filth that such Trades produce" -"In the College there is a publick Hall, in which the Members are oblig'd to dine together, at least, twice a Week; where, after Dinner, which is generally about two a Clock, they spend two or three Hours in learned Discourse, help up by the Benefit of a Bottle of the finest Wine in the World"
dc.description.abstractThe novel is a utopian work published by an unknown author in 1768. It tells about the fictional New Athens which draws inspiration from Classic/old Athens but intervenes with modern society and enlightenment values. New Athens is a world of equality and harmony, where the government is protecting individual rights and fairness. The utopia was created as a criticism of 18th-century Western values and offers an insight into a better future.
dc.publisherPtd. for A. Bettesworth and J. Pemberton
dc.rightsmetadata only access
dc.subjectType of Diet
dc.subjectUtopian Texts
dc.titleA Description of New Athens in Terra Australis Incognita (Letter I.)
dc.title.alternativeA Description of New Athens in Terra Australis Incognita (Letter I.)
