The Three Faces of Utopianism Revisited
Sargent, Lyman Tower. “The Three Faces of Utopianism Revisited.” Utopian Studies 5.1 (1994): 1-37. Rpt. in Sargent, Rethinking Utopia and Utopianism: The Three Faces of Utopianism Revisited and Other Essays. Ralahine Utopian Studies Volume 26 (Oxford, Eng.: Peter Lang, 2022), 3-47. As “Wiedersehen mit den drei Gesichtern des Utopismus.” Trans. Lars Schmeink. Zeitschrift für Fantastiksforschung 2, no. 1 (2012): 98-144. As “Trzy oblicza utopizmu - rewizja.” Trans. Piotr Krzywicki. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich 64.3 (March 2021): 133-170. PL ISSN 0084-4446. DOI: 10.26485/ZRL/2021/64.3/12