Traits and Tradition of Portugal

dc.contributor.authorPardoe, Julia
dc.contributor.editorSaunders and Otley 7:45 7:45
dc.description.abstractObra sobre a estadia da autora em Portugal, que compreendeu os anos de 1826, 1827 e 1828, tendo durado quinze meses. Foi a primeira viagem da autora. As razões que a fizeram visitar o nosso país tiveram como causas a sua débil saúde e a deslocação do pai, que cá se dirigiu por motivos militares.
dc.description.authorBIBLIOGRAFIA (alguma já nomeada na Biografia) 1. "Speculation", 3 vols., 1834. 2. "The Mardens and the Daventrys", 3 vols., 1835. 3. "The River and the Desert or Recollections of these Rhine and the Chartreuse", 2 vols., 1838. 4. "The Romance of the Harem", 2 vols., 1839 e 1857. 5. "The Beauties of the Baspharus", 1839. Este volume foi reeditado em 1854 e 1874, sob o título "Picturesque Europe". 6. "The City of the Magyar"; or "Hungary and its institutions", 3 vols., 1840. 7. "The Hungarian Castle", 3 vols., 1842. 8. "Confessions of a pretty woman", 3 vols., 1846, 1847, 1860. 9. "The jealaus wife", 3 vols., 1847, 1855, 1857. 10. "The rival beauties", 3 vols., 1848 (2ª edição em 1861). 11. "Flies in Amber", 3 vols., 1850. 12. "Reginald Lyle", 3 vols., 1854, 1857. 13. "Lady trobella or the Adventures of a Doll", 1856. 14. "Abroad and at home: tales here and there", 1857. 15. "Pilgrimages in Paris", 1857. 16. "The Upoor relation: a novel", 3 vols., 1858. 17. "Episodes of French History during the Consulate and the 1st Empire", 2 vols. 1859. 18. "A Life-Struggle", 2 vols., 1859. 19. "The rich relation", 1862. Ms. Pardoe traduziu "La Peste" (1834), um poema italiano de Sorelli; editou "The Memoirs of the Queens of Spain" (1850) e contribuiu com uma introdução para os "1001 Days", um auxiliar para as noites árabes, em 1857.
dc.description.illustrations"Traits and Traditions of Portugal" não contém ilustrações, nem gravuras. O retrato incluído na edição de 1877 de "The Court and Reign of Francis I, King of France".
dc.description.informationsDEDICATÓRIA A autora dedica a obra à Princesa Augusta: "To Her Royal Highness the Princess Augusta, these "Traits and Traditions of Portugal" are, by gracious permission, most respectfully inscribed by Her Royal Highness's most obliged and obedient servant, Julia Pardoe" DATA DA VISITA A PORTUGAL Compreendeu os anos de 1826, 1827 e 1828, tendo durado quinze meses. Foi a primeira viagem da autora. As razões que a fizeram visitar o nosso país tiveram como causas a sua débil saúde e a deslocação do pai, que cá se dirigiu por motivos militares. A mãe de J. Pardoe também os acompanhou. Não há referências específicas na obra sobre a possível doença da autora e, dado que a sua grande capacidade de mobilidade e dinamismo nunca a impediram de viajar, cremos que Portugal não agravou a sua saúde - bem pelo contrário. PREFÁCIO A autora adverte os leitores para o facto de não irem encontrar na obra "Traits and Traditions of Portugal" assunto para especulação científica ou política. O único objectivo de Pardoe é o de narrar todas as cenas e incidentes aquando da sua estada em Portugal, preservando o espírito de aventura e as características da localidade, enquanto tentava transcrevê-las o mais fielmente possível. Diz ainda oferecer ao público as memórias da viagem, para que ele possa também receber e partilhar da satisfação que ela sentiu; se falhar nesta tentativa, será por uma boa causa, pois que a generosidade e sentimentos nobres da personalidade do português não são suficientemente reconhecidos em Inglaterra. Sinta-se feliz por poder assim provar o seu reconhecimento pela cortesia e bondade que recebeu durante todo o período da sua viagem peninsular. O prefácio data de 10 de Outubro de 1833. ESTRUTURA DA OBRA Dedicatória Preface ................................................................................................................................................. v - vii Contents of vol. I .................................................................................................................................... ix-xii First Impressions .................................................................................................................................... 1-46 The Brothers: A legend of St. Jeronymo ............................................................................................. 47-80 Donna Reta: A legend of Lisbon ........................................................................................................ 81-105 A Royal Quinta and its Governor ..................................................................................................... 107-128 The Maiden and the Marquis ............................................................................................................ 129-166 A legend of Villa Nova A Day at Rio Mayor .......................................................................................................................... 167-192 The Fidalgo's daughter: A legend of Rio Mayor ............................................................................... 193-238 An Estralagem and a Monastery ...................................................................................................... 239-289 Father Eustacio: A Monastic Legend ............................................................................................... 291-308 - Fim do Primeiro Volume - Contents of vol. II ................................................................................................................................... i - iv Recollections of Leiria ............................................................................................................................ 1-29 The Forest Friend!, a Legend of Leiria ................................................................................................. 31-61 Monastic Memorials ............................................................................................................................ 63-103 The Two Pictures, a Convent Legend ............................................................................................. 105-130 A Source and a Sortie ..................................................................................................................... 132-149 The Demon Monk!, a Legend of the Alcoa ...................................................................................... 152-184 Pombal and Redinha ......................................................................................................................... 185-243 The Dog of Condeixa, a Legend of the Peninsular War ................................................................... 245-260 Coimbra ............................................................................................................................................ 261-297 The Village Wedding, a Memory of the Mondego ............................................................................ 299-316 My last chapter ............................................................................................................................... 317-338 - Fim do Segundo Volume - LÍNGUA O facto de a autora ter apreendido rapidamente o conhecimento da língua portuguesa, de modo a compreender e conversar com os portugueses tornou-lhe mais fácil o contacto com os mesmos, pois, apesar dos seus defeitos, os portugueses são sempre sensíveis a qualquer esforço que demonstrem para lhes agradarem. OBJECTIVOS DA VIAGEM "My only aim has been to depict everything as it appeared to me at the moment (:) to preserve the spirit of the adventure, or the features of the locality, without suffering myself to weaken either by the digressions of an idle, imagination; and, trusting to their impression upon myself, to record them as simply and as faithfully as their immediate transcription would enable me to do. Where I looked and listened, even there, in most cases, did I sketch alike the scene and the story: and I now offer those records to the public, trusting that I may not have been wholly unsuccessful in my efforts to import to others some portion of the amusement which I then and thence decived. Should I have unfortunately failed in the attempt, I shall at least have failed in a good cause; as the generosity and high feeling of the Portuguese character are not, I think, sufficiently appreciated in this country (...)". Preface, vi / vii RELIGIÃO A autora foi educada num convento no Continente e era católica, o que lhe permitiu não só a simpatia dos portugueses, como também a entrada (vedada a outros) em conventos e mosteiros. Nestes, ela conversou amigavelmente com "pale, salow looking nuns", numa mistura de português e italiano.
dc.description.tableofcontents- Contents of vol. I - FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Apostrophe to Portugal - Style - First attempts at acquiring the language - The Voyage - Mafra - The Pilot-boat - Lisbon from the Tagus - The River - The shores of the Alemtajo - Supineness of the Portuguese - Our Residence - The Infanta Regent - Description of the State Carriage - Filthiness of the City - Father Antonio - A Portuguese Funeral - Burial of Infants at St. Jeronymo - The Tagus by moonlight - Fishing with Torches - The Opera House - Mercandante's Claude et Elise - The Prima Donna - The lay-brother of the Benedictines - The landing of Dom Miguel at Belem - The Vine-dresser's wife - Disembarkation resumed - Arrival of the Queen from Queluz - Her departure to the Botanical Gardens - Embarkation of the Infanta Regent on board the State Barge, to deliver up the Sceptre - The Pombal Palace - The Procession - Visit of Dom Miguel to the Queen - Supper at his Aya's - Singular Partiality. ___________________ THE BROTHERS, A Legend of St. Jeronymo. ____________________ DONNA RETA, A Legend of Lisbon. A ROYAL QUINTA AND ITS GOVERNOR. Remarks on Roads - Sir John Milley Doyle's road to Cintra - Portuguese distaste to paying Tolls - Alverca - Baggage Mules - The Quinta D'Alverca - The Widow's House - Bucellas - Portuguese Politeness - Self-payment - Nervous attack - A nocturnal Visitor - The Widow's Son - The Quinta Gardens - A rabbit-hunt - Villa Nova - The Juiz de Fra - The Quinta dos Tauros - The Terrace - The Goading Cells - Court etiquette - The Bull on the staircase - The Governor - The Breakfast - The Kids - Departure. ___________________ THE MAID AND THE MARQUIS, A Legend of Villa Nova A DAY AT RIO MAYOR Alcoentra - Fleas - Entrance to our Quarters - The Parish Priest - The fête of Los Santos Bemaventurados - Peasants of Alcoentra - A Wolf - Country between Alcoentra and Rio Mayor - Rio Mayor - Local popularity of the English - The Rector - His House - His display of Erudition - His Authorship - His monastic and courtly Anecdotes - His Appearance - The Local Tradition - The garrulity of Old Age - Dinner - The Rector's Nephew - His Wife - Portuguese Hospitality - The Source of the River - The wolf's lair - The Mule Race. THE FIDALGO'S DAUGHTER, A Legend of Rio Mayor ______________________ AN ESTRALAGEM AND A MONASTERY Vendos de los Carvalhos - Government Accommodations - A Bivouac - The Estralagem at Carvalhos - The Host - The English Travellers - Night Signals of the Banditti - Toilette of the Portuguese Peasantry - Suspicions - Threats - Pacific Resolutions - The Robber-landlord - Travelling arrangements with the Banditti - Anecdote of a Friend - Honor among Thieves - Portuguese Prisons - Journey to Batalha - The Monastery - Monastic Politeness - Recollections - The Chapel - The Pantheon - The Chapter Hall - Tradition attached to it - Monastic MSS - The Octagon Chapel - Vandalism of English Travellers - The Brotherhood of Batalha - Father Lawrence - Arrival of the Court at Batalha - The Beautiful Peasant - The King's Master of the horse - The Meeting - Love and Jealousy - The Murder - The Sentence - The Prison Vault - Retreat of the French Army - Mitigated Punishment - Monastic Revenge - Prison Occupations - Catholic Ladies in a Monastery - Excommunication - Miraculous Image of the Virgin - Tête-à-tête with a Murderer - Papistical Superstition - Convent of Sant'Anna - Father Lawrence at Leiria. - Contents of vol. II - ________________ FATHER EUSTACIO, A Monastic Legend. ________________ RECOLLECTIONS OF LEIRIA ___________________ Welcome to the City - Appearance of the Place - Moorish Ruin - A Noite do Rustico - The Funeral - The resuscitated Priest - The double Burial - The Espiscopal Palace - The Chapel - The Sacristy - The Library - The Gardens - The Improvvisatore - The Convent of Sant' Anna - The Hermit - The Illuminated Chapel - The Portuguese Regiment - The Fire - Characteristics of the Portuguese - The Baron - Specimens of English - Quinta-Hunting - The pious Vine-grower - The Cherry-tree Crucifix - The Insubordinate Angels. THE FOREST FRIEND! A Legend of Leiria ___________________ MONASTIC MEMORIALS ___________________ Party to Alcobaça - The Guide - The Rector's House - The Dinner - Routing a Colony - Clerical Inferences - The Monastery - The Chapel - The High Altar - The Square of Resurection - The Death of Saint Bernard - Altar of the Resurrection - Chapel of Tombs - Ignes de Castro - Decorations of the High Altar - Shrine of Saint Sebastian - The Cloister Grating - The young Monk - Altar of Santa Michael - The Private Chapel - The Sacristy - The Reliquary - The lower Cloisters - The Refectory - The Cellars - The Kitchen - The Hall of Kings - The traditional History of the Abbey - The Repast - The Organ Gallery - Number of the Brotherhood - The Library - Chapel of the Novices - The Gardens - The Ex-Militaire - Monastic Manœuvres - The Bernardine Convent - The Farewell. THE TWO PICTURES, A Conventual Legend A SOURCE AND A SORTIE. Excursion to the Source of the river Alcoa - The Guide - The Ford - The Source - The Scenery - The Natural Well - Retrograde Movement - A Portuguese Wedding - A Digression on Courtship - Alcobaca again - The Hussar Captain - Incognito Travelling - An Ejection. ____________________ THE DEMON MONK! A Legend of the Alcoa POMBAL AND REDINHA. Approach to the Town - Portuguese Rain - Pombal Lo Forno Santo - A Miracle - A By-road - Redinha in the distance - The Mysterious Traveller - Suspicious - Estralagem - The Dumb Girl - A vision of Heads - Arrival of the Regiment - The Dwarf of Redinha - The Stranger again - The Story of Mariè, the Dumb Girl - A Confession - A Farewell Visit. _______________ THE DOG OF CONDEIXA A Legend of the Peninsular War COIMBRA. The Vicinity of the City - Stanza to the Mondego - Costume of the University - Curiosity of the Students - The University Library - The Villa of Tears - Legend of Ignes de Castro - Anecdote of Four Carmelite Monks - Convent of Santa Clara - The Novice - The Baratti Family - Profession at Sant'Anna - The Botanical Gardens - The Ex-prisoner of the Inquisition - Washerwomen of the Mondego - A votive Offering - A grave - The Monastery of Santa Crux - The Portuguese Sentinel - Count Pinto - The Gardens - The Building - The Procession - Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian - Aristocratic Equipage - Quinta-Hunting - Portuguese Presents. THE VILLAGE WEDDING A Memory of the Mondego ____________________ MY LAST CHAPTER. Interior of a Quinta - Scarcity of Birds - A Portuguese Dinner - A Vintage - Convent of Trappists - Monkish logic - The Confessional - The Prioress - Conspiracy of the Marquis of Tavora - An Earthquake - Procession of Nossa Senhora de Nazaré - Parting Apostrophe.
dc.description.tableofcontentsDedicatória; Preface (v - vii); Contents of vol. I (ix-xii); First Impressions (1-46); The Brothers: A legend of St. Jeronymo (47-80); Donna Reta: A legend of Lisbon (81-105); A Royal Quinta and its Governor (107-128); The Maiden and the Marquis (129-166); A legend of Villa Nova; A Day at Rio Mayor (167-192); The Fidalgo's daughter: A legend of Rio Mayor (193-238); An Estralagem and a Monastery (239-289); Father Eustacio: A Monastic Legend (291-308). - Fim do Primeiro Volume - Contents of vol. II (i - iv); Recollections of Leiria (1-29); The Forest Friend!, a Legend of Leiria (31-61); Monastic Memorials (63-103); The Two Pictures, a Convent Legend (105-130); A Source and a Sortie (132-149); The Demon Monk!, a Legend of the Alcoa (152-184); Pombal and Redinha (185-243); The Dog of Condeixa, a Legend of the Peninsular War (245-260); Coimbra (261-297); The Village Wedding, a Memory of the Mondego (299-316); My last chapter (317-338). - Fim do Segundo Volume -
dc.publisher.addressConduit Street
dc.relation.ispartofvolumein two volumes
dc.rightsmetadata only access
dc.subjectLiteratura de viagem
dc.titleTraits and Tradition of Portugal
dc.title.subtitlecollected during a residence in that country
