The adventures of Captain John Patterson

dc.contributor.authorPatterson, John Henry
dc.contributor.editorT. & W. Boone 7:45 7:45
dc.description.abstractMemórias (1807-1821) de campanha de um capitão britânico, que, entre outras experiências, participou nas Guerras Napoleónicas.
dc.description.informationsDE QUE TRATA? Memórias (1807-1821) de campanha de um capitão britânico, que, entre outras experiências (V. Divisão da Obra), participou nas Guerras Napoleónicas. QUAL O INTERESSE NA PERSPECTIVA PORTUGUESA? Relato vivido, do ponto de vista britânico, de batalhas contra o invasor francês em território nacional e observações sobre o Portugal e os portugueses da época. NOTA: A informação registada nas fichas, salvo casos esporádicos, tem a ver com a parte da obra que se refere a Portugal e aos portugueses. DEDICATÓRIA A obra é dedicada à Rainha Adelaide, mulher do Rei Guilherme IV (1830-1837), patronado 50º Regimento, ao qual J. Patterson pertencera, quando no activo. Como explica na p. 9, para Adelaide, na qualidade ainda de Duquesa de Clarence que, em 1827, entregara novas insígnias ao Regimento. Aquando da subida ao trono de Guilherme IV, Adelaide, mais uma vez, distinguira o 50º, honrando-o com a designação de Regimento da Rainha ("Queen's Own Regiment"). A dedicatória foi escrita em Liverpool, a 20 de Outubro de 1836. MOTIVAÇÃO E NATUREZA DA OBRA * pp. 1, 2, 3, 4 Na reforma, resolve Patterson, como muitos outros, escrever as memórias das campanhas militares em que participou. Considera-se um "recruta" na arte da escrita, mas, para ele, o importante é tornar público um documento de experiências vividas. Além disso, pretende conservar viva a memória do seu 50º Regimento, dos companheiros de Ceuta e, em particular, daqueles que caíram ao serviço da Pátria. Considera o seu trabalho uma das muitas visões possíveis dos acontecimentos ocorridos durante a Guerra Peninsular. Tem consciência da natureza superficial dos apontamentos e da escassez de dados. Remete o leitor interessado em detalhes aprofundados da guerra para a obra do Coronel Napier. Sublinha, por fim, a veracidade dos factos narrados e pormenores descritos, todos com base no seu diário de campanha.
dc.description.tableofcontents* Chapter I: The Author's motives - His entrance into military life - Sketches of officers - Lieutenant Colonel Stewart - Lieutenant Colonel White - A harassing march - Changes of name in the 50th regiment - Arrival at Portsmouth - The embarkation. * Chapter II: The expedition under sail - Rough weather in the Bay of Biscay - Christmas festivities prevented - The expedition is compelled to put back - The troops are relanded - The expedition sails again - Its arrival at Gibraltar - Motley population of the place - The library - Excessive heat of the climate - Sluggishness of promotion - The expedition arrives at Cadiz - Dull cruize - Spanish attack on the French fleet - Visit to Cadiz. * Chapter III: Campaign in Portugal - Arrival at Mondego Bay - A cool disembarkation - Bustle of encamping - Skirmish at Obidos - Action at Roliça - Death of Colonel Lake - March of the army towards Vimeiro - Junot's contempt of the British - Battle of Vimeiro - The British troops resolve to gain abundant laurels - Appearance of the country - Death of Colonel Coote - French attack repulsed - Spirit of a Highland piper - Rout of the French - Relics left behind by them - Death of Colonel Taylor - Bivouac after the battle - Convention of Cintra. * Chapter IV: March to Lisbon - Enthusiastic reception of the English army. Danger of night rambles - Encampment at Monte Santo - The army marches towards the frontier - Santarem - A domestic occupation - Bad quarters - Pleasant life of a soldier - Description of troops on their march - Bustling second Majors - March of the army resumed - Picturesque scenes on the Tagus - Kindness of Major Napier - Ravages committed by the French - Difficulty of communicating with the natives - Signs substituted for speech - Hospitality at Guarda - Inhospitality at Ciudad Rodrigo - Arrival at Salamanca - Friendly conduct of the inhabitants. * Chapter V: March to Salamanca - Sir David Baird - Passage of the Esla - Merit of the camp females - Halt at Lugo - Short commons - Suffering from want of sleep - Lieutenant McCarthy - Inclemency of the weather - Exertions of Sir David Baird - Distribution of shoes - Odd fits - Scarcity of provisions - Dough boys - Delights and disappointments of tea-drinking - Destruction of the money-chests - Wretched situation of the women and children - Tattered clothing - A dandy in spite of all obstacles - Bravery of the rear guard - Stupidity of the peasants - Corunna in sight. * Chapter VI: The troops at Corunna - Alarming explosion of a powder magazine - The brigade takes up a position near Corunna - Admirable conduct of Sir John Moore - Positions of the hostile armies - French clamours in the field - The outposts are attacked - Bravery of Major Napier - Captain Clunes - New mode of dislodging French soldiers - Cookery spoiled - Major Napier is wounded and made prisoner - Death of Major Stanhope, and of other officers - A presentiment - Preparations to embark - Burial of Major Stanhope - Embarkation of the army - Anger of Soult - Loss of the Mary transport ship - Departure from Spain. * Chapter VII: Quarters at Braborne Lees - Removal to Ashford - Character of the 85th and 68th regiments - Quarters at Ashford - Hauteur of the Ashfordians - Quarters at Reading Street - Officers ordered to the Isle of Wight - Ludicrous journey thither - The troops embark for Walcheren - The troops disembark near Camp Vere - Desolate appearance of Flushing after its surrender - Sufferings of the inhabitants - The marsh fever breaks out - Mortality caused by it - Kindness of the Dutch - Visit to Middleburgh - Cleanness and neatness of the town - Apathy of the Dutch - Singular sleeping arrangement - The troops embark for England - They go into quarters - Porchester castle - Albany barracks - Visit of the Author to Ireland - Quarters at East Bourne. * Chapter VIII: The 1st battalion is ordered to Portugal - Lord Balgonie - Arrival at Lisbon - March to Abrantes - Bad quarters at Abrantes - Halt at Garvaõ - A family at Gafete - Bugs left as a legacy by the French - Situation of Portalegre - The grand Cathedral - Seclusion of the fair sex at Portalegre - Encampment on the heights of Torre de Moro - Camp comforts - Arrival at Borba - Beauty of the country round Borba - Delightful garden of Don Juan de Almeida - Style of building at Borba - Nunnery of St. Clara - The Capuchin convent - Jollity of the Monks - The Convent Kitchen - Return to Portalegre - Terrible fatigue endured - Death of Ensign Hay - Wretched Winter Quarters - The crabbed Donna Elvira and her gloomy abode. * Chapter IX: General Hill is despatched to surprise General Girard's corps - The heights of Alegrete - The division encounters a furious storm - Halt at Codiceira - Kindness of the hostess - Superciliousness of the dragoon officers - Offensive and absurd superiority assumed by a dragoon colonel - Folly of such conduct - Anecdote of a dandy officer - "Blanket merchants" - The town of Albuquerque - Appearance of the women at Malpartida - Miseries of a bivouac on a rainy night - Arrival at Arroyo del Molino - The enemy is defeated - Arrival at Merida - Ruined state of the town - Bridge over the Guadiana - Description of Campo Mayor - Charnel house - Quarters at Campo Mayor. * Chapter X: Quarters at Albuquerque and Portalegre. House in which the Author was quartered. March to Don Benito. Family of Don Diego Ramirez. Style of living. The second division sent to the neighbourhood of Badajos. The author visits Badajos. Difficulty of approach. Description of the defences of the breaches. Enormities committed after the storming of the place. Bravery of Lieut. McCarthy. * Chapter XI: Arrival at Truxillo - A force detached to reduce the Forts of Almaraz - Solitariness of the march - Arrangements for the attack - Hot fire from the enemy - Obstinate defence of Fort Napoleon - Death of Captain Robert Candler - The Fort is carried by storm - Bravery and fall of Clarimont, the governor - The tête du pont is carried by the Highlanders - Fort Ragusa is abandoned by the garrison - Lieut. Thiele is blown up - Los & sustained by the two victors - The two Irish brothers, Larry and Pat Egan - Repast after the success. * Chapter XII: The troops return to Truxillo - Description of Truxillo - The Pizarro palace - A paltry bull-fight - March to Fuentes del Maestro - Quarters at Don Benito - Kindness of the inhabitants - Wedding at Don Benito - The bride and bridegroom described - Assemblies in the town - Dress of the ladies - Departure from Don Benito - March to Villa Mercia - Sad want of fuel - The bullock-cart - Sierra de Santa Cruz - Banditti-like shepherds - The troops march to Toledo - Warm reception given to them by the inhabitants - Situation of Toledo - Magnificence of the cathedral - Skeleton of St. Ursula - Beautiful paintings - The largest bell in Europe - Persons and dress of the ladies of Toledo - Dress of the men - Departure from Toledo - Bivouac on the banks of the Tagus - Tedious road to Aranjuez - Arrival at Aranjuez - Ravages committed by the French - The queen's palace - Gardens and groves of the place. * Chapter XIII: Excursion to Madrid with a brother officer - The travellers lose their way - A surly Don refuses admission - They arrive at Villa Conejo - The inhabitants of the valleys are often robbers - Sinister countenances of some of the villagers - The travellers at last obtain a shelter - They enter Madrid - A troublesome Alcalde - Our host in love - Custom of separating males from females in the Spanish theatres - Riotous conduct of the audience in the pit - Blundering actors - An ill-looking prompter - Gaiety of the people of Madrid - La China and the Retiro - Palace of Godoy - Distress in Madrid - Difficulty of obtaining admission into the houses in Madrid. * Chapter XIV: The travellers return to Aranjuez - March of the army towards Madrid - Halt at the Escurial - Situation of the Palace - Enormous magnitude of the building - The army proceeds on its march - Description of the pass of Guadarama - Sculpture in the pass - The army halts at Alba de Tormes - It moves on towards the Aripiles - Sufferings from the weather during the march - Difficulty of procuring subsistence and fire - A pig-hunt - Halt at Robledo - Arrival at Coria - Noisy belles and corpulent monks - Priest's wine - Ugliness of the females of Coria - Death of General Stewart, and Brigadier General Wilson - Description of the Belem Rangers. * Chapter XV: March of the regiment to Monte Hermosa - Banditti in the neighbourhood - Journey to Placentia - Description of the party - Forest of Carcabosa - The author arrives at Placentia - He is quartered at the house of Francisco Barona - His host's wife and her lover - Return from Placentia - Fears of some of the travellers - Peasantry of Monte Hermosa described - Amusements of the Villagers - Inharmonious music and heavy dancing. * Chapter XVI: March from Villa Hermosa - Bridge at Gihon - Halt at La Sacita - The author is quartered at the house of Bernardo Lepez - Hospitality of his host - The march resumed - Puerto de Banos - Arrival at Bejar - Warm reception given to the troops - Fears entertained of the French - Situation of Bejar - The troops are kept constantly on the alert - Hard duty - Assemblies and dances - Conduct of the Dons in the ball-room - Palace of the Duke of Ossuma - Name-day entertainments - The Carnival at Bejar - The Rabo - The Pillijo - The priests fond of gambling - Wool earding - Idleness of the men - Tertulias - General Foy attacks Bejar - He is defeated - Gratitude of the inhabitants of Bejar. * Chapter XVII: The regiment quits Bejar - March through the Valley of the Ebro - Halt at La Puebla - Orders given to prepare for action - Battle of Vittoria - Hungry condition of the British troops - Colonel Cadogan is killed - His character - Birds'-eye view of the battle-field - Ruse de guerre of the French - Pathetic recognition of a slain brother - Close of the battle - Flight of the French - Vexation of a Scotch economical officer - Night bivouac. * Chapter XVIII: March to Pampeluna - A storm in the Pyrenees - Lieut. Masterman killed by lightning - Movements on the enemy's flanks - Beauty of the Vale of Bastan - Halt of the army near Elisonda - Marshal Soult resolves to regain his lost ground - Another storm in the Pyrenees - Advance of the French against the British - The British out-posts are driven in - Destructive fire of the Riflemen - Several officers are killed - Cool courage of Lieut. Brown - Bravery of Colonel O' Callaghan - Daring conduct of the French Officers - Colonel Hill severely wounded - The British are forced to retire - The French Riflemen again - Lieut. Birchall killed - Successful charge on the French - Killed and wounded officers - The battle terminates in favour of the British. * Chapter XIX: The Author is wounded in the battle of the Pyrenees - He is sent to the hospital station at Vittoria - Motley group of the wounded - The Author is quartered on a partisan of the French - Lieutenant Pattison - Captain Gough - Vittoria and its vicinity - Melancholy fate of Captain Gore - Celebration of a great festival at Vittoria - Ludicrous anties of the townspeople - The Author sets out for Bilboa - Apparently cannibal inn-keeper at Tolosa - Arrival at Bilboa - The Author embarks for England - Singular entrance to the port where he embarked - He lands at Plymouth. * Chapter XX: Exploits of the 50th regiment subsequent to the Author's leaving Spain - Action at Aire - Death of Lieutenant D. McDonald - Good fortune of Lieutenant Colonel Harrison - Officers killed and wounded in the campaign of 1814 - Estimate of the relative merit of the soldiery of various countries - Of the English - Of the Scotch - Of the Irish - Of the Germans - Characters of Captain Philip Blassiere. * Chapter XXI: The 50th regiment in quarters at Aughnacloy - It removes to Enniskillen - Recruiting quarters at Londonderry - Still hunting - Disgusting nature of that service - Stratagems of the illicit distillers - Pursuit of outlaws and robbers - Magennis, a noted villain - He eludes all pursuit - Lieutenant Plunkett resolves to apprehend him - Notice of Lieutenant Plunkett's military career - He suceeds in seizing Magennis - The informer is murdered. * Chapter XXII: The Author is ordered to join the regiment in the West Indies - He embarks at Cove - Uncomfortable state of the sleeping berths - Pleasant society on board - The pilot is charged with numerous farewells - Sea sickness - No compassion felt for its victims - Amusing talents of Mr. Charles - Disasters at dinner and tea in the Bay of Biscay - Approach to Madeira - Preparations for warm weather - Attack on the turtle - Jeopardy of the assailants - Palma and Teneriffe in sight - Attempted suicide of a soldier - Beauty of the nights - Dancing and singing on board - Crossing the Line - Consequences of the excesses connected with this mummery - Land in sight - Arrival at Jamaica - A black pilot - Prying visitors from the shore. * Chapter XXIII: Visit to Port Royal - Tavern there - Description of Port Royal - The Author lands at Kingston - He proceeds to Up-Park Camp - Terrible mortality among the troops - Death of Colonel Hill - His character - Picturesque situation of Up-Park Camp - Its extreme insalubrity - Duties in camp - Black female pedlars - Second breakfast - Cricket - Evening Parade - Dinner - Insufferable heat of mid-day - Injurious effect of the night dews - Excessive thirst and excessive drinking - A singular idea of a fine country - Danger of being exposed to the heavy rains - Death of Lieut. Richardson - Shipwreck and death of Mrs. Ross - Description of Kingston - Extortionate conduct of the Hotel-keepers - Character of the Kingston ladies - Their extreme love of dancing - Drowsiness and apathy of the males - Unhealthiness of Spanish Town. * Chapter XXIV: The author embarks for England - Course of the vessel - Sharks not palatable food - A visit from a Buenos Ayres privateer - Rough weather - A northwester hurricane - Its territie appearance and effects - Misery below deck - Meritorious conduct of Mr. Grant, the Mate - He is swept away by a billow - The hurricane ceases - Vigorous attack on the breakfast - Passengers in the vessel - One of them is sickly, another is crack-brained - Misfortunes encountered by the latter - The Author lands at Deal.
dc.format.extentX, [1], 436, 8 p.
dc.identifierH.G. 22828 V FOT. 38 E
dc.publisher.address29, New Bond Street
dc.rightsmetadata only access
dc.source.placeB.N. C.E.A.P.
dc.subjectLiteratura de viagem
dc.titleThe adventures of Captain John Patterson
dc.title.subtitlewith notices of the officers, etc. of the 50th or Queen's Own Regiment, from 1807 to 1821.
person.givenNameJohn Henry
