Sketches in Portugal during the Civil War of 1834 | Alexander, James Edward | |
dc.contributor.editor | James Cochrane and Co. | | | 2/29/24 7:45 | | | 2/29/24 7:45 | | | 1835 | |
dc.description.abstract | O autor relata nesta obra a sua viagem e estada em Portugal. A obra apresenta um caráter não só político-social, mas também de entretenimento, revelando o entusiasmo do autor ao escrever este livro. | | | BIOGRAPHY Born in 1803, firstborn son of Edward Alexander of Powis. Educated in the Royal Military College, in Sandhurst, he pursues the military career. He participated in the Russo-Turkish War as a lieutenant, for which he was honoured with the Order of the Crescent. He took place in the first Burma war, in 1824-26. He gets involved in the conflict between Persia and Russia in 1826, after which he is honoured with the Order of the Lion and the Sun. During his stay in South Africa, he participares in the Kaffir Wars, in 1835. In the meantime, aside from his military career, his passion for Geography had brought him to Portugal in 1834. He carries out an expedition to the region of Namaguas in 1836-38, after which he is made knight in 1838. In 1841, he travels to Canada, where he maintains his activities of geographer and military man for 14 years. In 1855, he participates in the Crimean War, for which he is honoured, and in 1860-62 he fights in New Zealand in the Māori war. His curiosity and craving for knowledge take him to Alexandria in 1875, where he will play a decisive role in the embarkation of the obelisk "Cleopatra's Needle" to England. He dies in the Isle of Wight on 2nd of April of 1885. | | | K. L. S. Capitão do 42º Royal Highlanders, Tenente-Coronel ao serviço de Portugal | | | WORKS BY ALEXANDER (including prefaces written by him) I' TISAM AL-DIN, Mirza, "Shigurf Namah I Velaët, or Excellent Intelligence Concerning Europe: Being the Travels of Mirza Itesa Modeen in Great Britain and France". Translated from the original Persian manuscript into Hindoostane, with an English Version and Notes by James Edward Alexander, London, Parbury, Allen, and Co., 1827. "Travels from India to England, Comprehending a Visit to the Burman Empire, and a Journey through Persia, Asia Minor, European Turkey, etc., in the Years 1825-26", London, Parbury, Allen, and Co., 1827. "Notice of a Visit to the Cavern Temples of Adjunta, in the East-Indies", Communicated by Lieut. James Edward Alexander, 16th Lancers, of the Order of the Lion and the Sun, M.R.A.S., Cor. Mem. S.A.E., etc., London, Printed by J. L. Cox, 1829. "Travels to the Seat of War in the East, through Russia and the Grimea, in 1829. With Sketches of the Imperial Fleet and Army, Personal Adventures and Characteristic Anecdotes", 2 Vols., London, Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1830. "Transatlantic Sketches Comprising Visits to the Most Interesting Scenes in North and South America and the West Indies. With Notes on Negro Slavery and Canadian Emigration", 2 Vols., London, Richard Bentley, 1833. "Sketches in Portugal during the Civil War of 1834. With Observations on the Present State and Future Prospects of Portugal", London, James Cochrane and Co., 1835. - There are two other editions published in Philadelphia, one in the same year, the other in 1835. "Francis Abbot, the Recluse of Niagara: and Metropolitan Sketches", 2nd series. By James Bird, London, Baldwin and Cradock, 1938. - There is another edition published in Philadelphia in 1855. "Narrative of a Voyage of Observation Among the Colonies of Western Africa, in the Flag-ship Thalia; and of a Campaign in Kaffir-Land, on the Staff of the Commander-in-Chief in 1835", 2 Vols., London, Henry Colburn, 1838. - There is a 2nd edition published in Philadelphia by E. L. Larey and A. Hart in 1838. "The Life of Field Marshall, His Grace the Duke of Wellington. Embracing his Civil, Military, and Political Career to the Present Time", 2 Vols., London, Henry Colburn, 1840. - There is a German translation: Friedrich Bauer, "Leben und Feldzüge des Herzogs von Wellington", 2 Vols., Quendinburg und Leipzig, 1840. "The Burning of the St. Louis Theatre, Quebec. A Record of the Eminent Services of the Military", Quebec, 1846. "L'Acadie; or Seven Years Explorations in British America", 2 Vols., London, Henry Colburn, 1849. BONNYCASTLE, R. H., Sir, "Canada, as it was, and may be, with Considerable Additions, and an Account of Recent Transactions by Sir James Edward Alexander, 2 Vols., London, Colburn & Co., Publishers, 1852. "Temperance in the lamp". A lecture delivered on the Heights of Sebastopol, Christmas, 1855, London, William Tweedie, 1856. "Passages in the Life of a Soldier, or, Military Service in the East and West", 2 Vols., London, Hurst and Blackett, Publishers, Successors to Henry Colburn, 1857. "Military Examinations for Junior Officers of Infantry, Comprising Discipline, Dull, Interior Economy, Field Fortification, Reconnoitering, etc.", prepared by direction of Colonel Sir James Edward Alexander, K.N.T., K.C.L.S., 14th Regiment, 2nd Edition, 1860. "Salmon - Fishing in Canada: by a Resident", London, Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, 1860. "Incidents of the Maori War. New Zealand in 1860-61", London, Richard Bentley, 1863. "An Account of the Embalmed Head of Oliver Cromwell at Shortlands House", Kent, Glasgow, 1870. "Bush-Fighting. Illustrated by Remarkable Actions and Incidents of the Maori War in New Zealand", London, Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle, 1873. "Notes on the Maoris of New Zealand, with Suggestion for their Pacification and Preservation", by Colonel Sir James Edward Alexander, K.C.L.S., F.R.G.S. and R.A.S., s.l., s. ed., s.d. "Cleopatra's Needle. The Obelisk of Alexandria. It's Acquisition and Removal to England. Described", London, Chatto & Windus, 1879. | |
dc.description.informations | INTRODUÇÃO O autor informa-nos de um convite para levar a cabo uma expedição. Convite esse proposto pela Royal Geographical Society, com o fim de explorar e comunicar acerca de determinadas regiões do Sudeste de África. Para tal, o autor dirigiu-se ao governo português para obter licença para visitar as colónias portuguesas em África. Durante a sua estada em Portugal procurou registar não só factos de carácter político-social como nos deixou "numerous original anecdotes". Informa-nos afinal não só das suas intenções pedagógicas promovidas pelo apoio governamental como do seu próprio entusiasmo que tenciona comunicar ao leitor "some entertainment will be obtained". NOTAS - O autor faz, no Cap. IV, uma nota na p. 103 acerca do hábito dos ingleses de alterarem nomes estrangeiros, neste caso "Wiederhold into 'Thunderbolt'". - Encontra-se outra nota no cap. IX, p. 217, em que o autor nos diz que se pode dormir em segurança, praticamente em qualquer lado, desde que se ponha uma gaze sobre a face "it prevents the miasma from being injurious". APÊNDICE Informações oficiais e de fontes várias apresentadas pelo autor, com o objectivo de ilustrar as transacções comerciais efectuadas entre Portugal e Inglaterra. Introduz o "Manifesto of the Portuguese Nation to the Governments and the People of Europe in 1820" com o fim de dignificar o povo português. POSTSCRIPT O autor vê do interesse do leitor saber como a Rainha D. Maria recompensou os estrangeiros empenhados na defesa dos direitos de Portugal. Como tal, apresenta uma série de factos que, crê, serem conclusivos em si. | |
dc.description.informations | "The National Union Catalog" aponta para a existência, em Londres, de uma 2ª edição de 1855. | |
dc.description.tableofcontents | DIVISÃO DA OBRA - Capítulos; sumário. * Chapter I Leave London for Falmouth - A roving Blade - Embark in the Charybdis brig of war - A wet Sea-boat - Stiff Breezes - The shores of Spain - Enter the harbour of Vigo - Town and People - Fall in with a Frigate - News of the War - An Accident - Sail up the Tagus - View of Lisbon - A whited Sepulchre - Prisoners of War - Mutineers - Lisbon Hotels - A Sége - Deliver Letters to Great People - Effects of capture of Miguelite Fleet - Corporal Knight - Hospitality - Dreary Streets - Agua vai - A Spate - Assassination of an Officer ................................................................................................................. p. 1 * Chapter II Walk through Lisbon - Reign of Terror - Espionage - Change of Times - Dress of the People - Beggars - Goats - Shops - Indolent Shopkeepers - The Clergy - Galegos - Carriages - A Caza de Pasto - English Mistakes - Ride to the Aqueduct of Alcantara - The Lines of Lisbon - Anecdote of Don Pedro - Scene of a Skirmish - The old Woman and the Grape-shot - Why Don Miguel continued the War - Visit the grand Opera House of San Carlos – A pleasant Pit – The Imperial Family .................................................... p. 31 * Chapter III The Fish Maket (sic) – Praça do Commercio – Custom-house – Bacalhao Street – Corn Market – Washerwomen – Vicente de Fora – Graça – Monte – Castle of St. George – Praça des Figueras – College of Jesuits – Mosaics of St. Roque – Preparations for Chaunting – Washing the feet of Beggars – Nunneries – Extraordinary Mortifications – Life in a Convent – Taking the Veil – Doing Penance – Suppression of Religious Houses – Confessions of a Friar – Travellers see strange Sights – Cruel Sport – Palace of Adjuta – Museum – Convent of St. Jeronymo – King Death ............................................. p. 57 * Chapter IV Determine to visit the Seat of War - When an Officer may be shot – Leave Lisbon with a Companion – He plays the Author a Trick – Jack-a-Lantern – A Muleteer - Effects of War on Country–houses – Peasants – Their Civility to Strangers – The Country – Sagavem – Villa Franca – Style of Architecture and People – A Tiffin – A Proper Man – Lines of Torres Vedras – Villa Nova – Sick and Wounded – Playing at Soldiers – Arrive at Cartaxo – Industrious Fleas – Anecdote – Field Breakfast – Grievances of Lancers – Field Marshal Count Saldanha – Position of Donna Maria’s Army – Santarem .................. p. 83 * Chapter V Colonel Shaw – Commissariat – Dr. J. R. Alcock – Officers in the Field – Peasant’s House – Moveables and Immoveables – Quarters at Val de Santarem – Scotch Fuzileers – Sentiments of a Soldier – Rations and Pay – Strength of Donna Maria’s Army – Don Miguel and his Troops – A Review – Brigadier–General Bacon – The Cavalry – Caçadores – The Line – Distinction of Rank – Volunteers – Belgians – French – Artillery – British Grenadiers and Queen’s Irish – Chiefs of Saldanha’s Army – Conference between the English Envoy and the Miguelite Commander-in-Chief – The Terms offered to Miguel ...................... p. 109 * Chapter VI Don Miguel determines to force his Way to Lisbon – Army at Santarem reinforced – Saldanha’s Position – Lemos marches to attack it – Battle of Almoster commences at the Bridges Celleiro and Asseca – Dispositions of Saldanha – Movement of the Right Wing of Lemos – Saldanha’s Generalship – The Battle–field described – The Miguelites gain the Heights of Santa Maria – Are repulsed – Dreadful Slaughter – The Left Wing of Lemos also beaten – Cavalry Charge – Why the Enemy’s Artillery was not captured - Amount of Loss - The Field after the Action – The British Officers who served with Donna Maria’s Army – Their Grievances – Will be redressed by Don Pedro and the Government ............. p. 132 * Chapter VII The Emperor arrives at Cartaxo – An unexpected Salute – Author is presented to Don Pedro – Colonel Wylde, R. A. – Outpost Scenes – Character of Miguelites – Memorandum – A Field-day of the Scotch Fuzileers – The Belgian March – A Soldier "malgré lui" - Liberating Pickpockets – A grand Entertainment at the Field Marshal’s – A Highland Juggler – A Portuguese Dalgetty – Tables of Russian and Portuguese Commanders compared – Veterans versus Fair Sex – A Skirmish with the Enemy ........................ p. 153 * Chapter VIII Leave Cartaxo for Lisbon – The Author is flea’d again – Anecdote – Beautiful Prospect – Viscount Cape St. Vincent – The Naval Arsenal – The Admiral described – His Excellency’s Northern Expedition – Takes Caminha, Valença, Viana – Dine with the Admiral – He is made a Count – Fleet of the Queen – Prospects of Prize–money – Admiral Sartorius – Brilliant Action of the 5th of July, 1833 – A Naval Speech – Cholera – Judicious Conduct of Admiral Napier – Expedition to Algarve – Curious Escape of a Prisoner – The British Squadron – More Murders – Political Assassinations – Summary Justice on four Guerillas – Revenge – Pleasure Parties and Quintas – Evening Parties at Lisbon – Grand Ball at the Most Illustrious and Excellent Senhor Sebastian Botelho’s ........................................................................................ p. 171 * Chapter IX Ministers of Donna Maria – Equalise the Duties on Imports – Effects on English Commerce – English Goods – Smuggling – Portuguese Manufactures – Machines – Commercial Regulations – Inland Communications – Agriculture – Prohibited Articles – Mines – Fisheries – Education – Hospitals – Prisons – Wages – Health – Literature – Colonies – Slave-trade – M. Sarmento – Falhinha – Cause of Mortality on Coasts of Africa – An Anecdote – Contract with British Troops – Proposals for a Land Company ............................................................................................................................................................ p. 201 * Chapter X Leave Lisbon to visit Cintra and Mafra – A Razor-back – A beautiful Picture – Palace of Sitiaes – Sweets of Solitude – Montserrat – The Cork Convent – A Mendicant Friar – A Muleteer’s Refreshment – The Penha Convent – Moorish Castle – Conical Chambers – A superb View – Old Palace of Cintra – Ride to Mafra – The Church, Garden, Clock, and Bells – Return to Lisbon - Portuguese Baptisms, Marriages, and Funerals – Sir John Milley Doyle and Brigadier-General Bacon – Pleasures of attending Levees – Patience rewarded – Post-office Abuses – Embark in a Steamer for England ................................ p. 223 * Chapter XI Sail from Lisbon – Stormy Seas-Put into Cascaes – Dangerous Situation – The Bar of Oporto – The Douro – Oporto and Villa Nova – Scene of a severe Skirmish – Walk through the City – Symptoms of a Siege – Dry Food and strict Neutrality – Town’s–people – Their Sufferings - Man’s-meat – Boys and Bullocks – Churches – Serra Convent – Bomb-shells and Batteries – A Landscape – Ride round the Lines – Lordello – The Scotch again! – Dog’s-meat – Sail from Oporto – Nearly foundered in the Bay of Biscay – Put back for Corunna – Put into Brest – The Town and Dock-yard – Miseries of a King’s Messenger – Arrive at Plymouth ....................................................................................................... p. 250 * Chapter XII On the present State and future Prospects of Portugal .................................................................... p. 273 | |
dc.format.extent | 328 p. | |
dc.identifier | A 10 H.G. 5679 V. e H.G. 18661 V. | |
dc.identifier.other | 7 | |
dc.identifier.other | A | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | eng | |
dc.publisher.address | Waterloo Place | | | London | | | England | |
dc.relation.isreferencedby | OBRA CRÍTICA Em "The Athenaeum", 22 de Setembro de 1830, p. 614, Alexander é criticado pela superficialidade da informação transmitida em "Travels to the Seat of War", especialmente pela ausência de suficientes dados de carácter militar, dado o que seria de prever numa obra dessa natureza. A 25 de Março de 1833, a mesma revista, na p. 273, diz, a propósito de "Transatlantic Sketches": "We never felt more perplexed than in considering how we should characterize these two pleasant, desultory, gossiping, galloping volumes. Capt. Alexander is known to our readers by a former work, in which there was evidence enough of a post-horse speed; but there is an account of sixteen thousand miles travelled over in a twelvemonth!". Em relação a "Sketches in Portugal", "The Athenaeum" a 27 de Dezembro de 1834 volta a criticar a rapidez da viagem, concluindo na p. 932: "It is not to be expected (...) that the work should be either very elaborate, very learned, or very informing; but the Captain is a shrewd observer of all that lies on the surface, and he is never dull". A "Literary Gazette" em Janeiro de 1834 faz sua a opinião do jornal "The Spectator" e diz-nos, a propósito de "Transatlantic Sketches", na p. 32: "The author is a well-known traveller in the East; his present book is, however, far more interesting than either his travels in Asia, Persia or Turkey, it is a most amusing publication.", transcrevendo no mês seguinte um novo comentário sobre a mesma obra, do "Atlas", na p. 128: "One of the best travelling books we have seen. A book of sights, of picturesque description, and abounding in anecdotes of all imaginable kinds". "Narrative of a Voyage of Observation Among the Colonies of Western Africa" e "An Expedition of Discovery into the Interior of Africa" são também apresentadas na mesma revista a 18 de Agosto de 1838, nas pp. 514-516 (bem como em "The Athenaeum" a 20 de Maio de 1837, nas pp. 317-318). Assim também, "Sketches in Portugal": "Sketches should be slight, desultory, characteristics and pleasant reading; and such is this volume, "The Literary Gazette", 27 de Dezembro de 1834, p. 858, continuando na p. 859 o mesmo crítico: "But, after all (for we abjure the fights, propects, politics, tariffs, loans, etc., etc.) the chief end of Capt. Alexander's mission is the point of most interest [...]", sendo esse o tocante à missão para a Royal Geographical Society, concluindo em tom de desculpa "Still, he is an unassuming and a pleasant fellow, fearless of peril, and animated with the best spirit" (p. 859). "The Spectator", ainda acerca de "Sketches in Portugal", apesar de reconhecer a falta de originalidade dos episódios narrados, diz-nos "Captain Alexander's Sketches are [...] pleasant, and even useful. His style and manner are brisk and rattling; and he makes himself at home with the reader in the off-hand way of an old traveller and compaigner. He carried, too, into the more serious scenes, greater knowledge and experience them the gentleman of the press; he had probably better introductions, and certainly better opportunities of observation. The book, moreover, is not a series of detached bits of intelligence, but conveys the impression of a whole view", 1834, vol. 7, p. 932. | |
dc.rights | metadata only access | | | C.E.A.P. B.N. | |
dc.subject | Travel literature | |
dc.text | DEDICATÓRIA "To Major-General Sir Nicholas Trant, K.T.S. late governor of Oporto, & c. & c. & c. to whom the author is deeply indebted for promoting the object of his visit to Portugal, this work is most respectfully dedicated". PREFÁCIO "A passage to the Cape having been offered to Captain Alexander, on board H.M.S. Thalia, he embarked in September last. Having received only a few days' notice, he was prevented from finishing his Sketches in the manner he had wished, and was under the necessity of requesting another to take charge of them through the press. Having likewise expressed a desire that his intention of adding some 'Observations upon the present State and future Prospects of Portugal', might still be fulfilled, this has been attempted; and the writer can only hope that his remarks may not be found altogether uninteresting. London, November, 1834." ______ As it may be interesting to those who have read the preceding Sketches, to know how the Queen has rewarded the foreigners who have so profusely shed their blood in support of her rights, and have been mainly instrumental in achieving the triumph of the cause they engaged in, we state the following facts, which we believe may be relied upon. Pensions, or a proportionate sum of money, have been awarded to the wounded, and to the relatives of those killed in the service. All on board the fleet have been remunerated most liberally. Every officer, (even many whose services have not extended beyond the Cafés of Lisbon), with the exception of the commander of the Scotch Fuzileers, has received his pay and promised gratuity. As the only regimental officers, we might almost say men, now surviving, who accompanied the gallant Hodges in 1831, are Colonel Shaw, Major Mitchell, and Mr. Alcock, this must appear strange, and arises, as we shall show, from conduct on the part of those in power both ungenerous and impolitic. Some months ago, the contract with the Fuzileers expired, and they were consequently no longer bound to act as soldiers, nor to submit to military control. Of this they were well aware, and nothing has hitherto kept them in a state of order and discipline, but the consciousness of their Colonel's unceasing endeavours to see justice done to them, and the knowledge of his resolution to refuse all recompense to himself, until every farthing due to them has been discharged. We have no doubt that all will yet be paid, and we conceive that no one, fairly considering the difficulties under which the Portuguese have laboured, can deny to them the highest praise for the honourable manner in which they have paid their debts; it is therefore deeply to be regretted, that by their procrastinating conduct in the present instance, they have offered their enemies so just a title to tax them with ingratitude to some of their bravest supporters. 15th Dec. 1834. ADVERTISEMENT In sending forth to the Public the following Journal and Narrative, the object of the Author is to exhibit the state of affairs in the Peninsula, just as they fell under his observations; leaving to diplomatists the task of demonstrating the effects of the late political events. The present volume is derived from a diary written on the spot, the author intending to revise and enlarge it; but other duties have fully occupied him, and it is therefore sent forth in its original simple guise. | |
dc.title | Sketches in Portugal during the Civil War of 1834 | |
dc.type | book | |
dspace.entity.type | Publication | |
person.familyName | Alexander | |
person.givenName | James Edward | |
relation.isAuthorOfPublication | e895ba4c-5251-45ee-ab52-25170ba46e60 | |
relation.isAuthorOfPublication.latestForDiscovery | e895ba4c-5251-45ee-ab52-25170ba46e60 |