Camp and Quarters

dc.contributor.authorPatterson, John Henry
dc.contributor.editorSaunders and Otley 7:45 7:45
dc.description.abstractMemórias do militar Patterson: compila episódios ou detalhes com que entendeu não sobrecarregar a obra "The Adventures of Captain John Patterson" ou que estão fora da sua atuação como elemento do 50º Regimento.
dc.description.informationsDE QUE TRATA? Memórias, ainda do militar Patterson: compila episódios ou detalhes com que entendeu não sobrecarregar as "Adventures" ou que estão fora da sua actuação como elemento do 50º Regimento. QUAL O INTERESSE NA PERSPECTIVA PORTUGUESA? Algumas das referências ou episódios relatados reportam-se aos períodos da permanência do autor em Portugal e completam, portanto, a informação que se colhe nas "Adventures". NOTA: A informação registada nas fichas, salvo casos esporádicos, tem a ver com a parte da obra que se refere a Portugal e aos portugueses. MOTIVAÇÃO E NATUREZA DA OBRA * Vol. I, pp. 1 e ss. O que leva o autor a escrever "Camp and Quarters" é o prazer da escrita e o desejo de dar a conhecer episódios e circunstâncias por ele vividos. Está consciente de que corre vários riscos: ser incluído na lista dos muitos militares com pouco talento literário que, mesmo assim, ousam "escrevinhar" e publicar; insistir em temas largamente glosados (caso das Guerras Napoleónicas); e atrever-se a trilhar o caminho da escrita documental numa época em que há uma apetência especial por histórias romanescas. Mesmo assim, confiou que, quer entre os mais velhos (sobretudo militares) que no livro poderão recordar episódios do seu próprio passado, quer entre os mais novos, encontrara leitores atentos.
dc.description.tableofcontentsCONTENTS OF VOL. I * Chapter I: Preliminary Observations - Military Life - Female Warriors - The French Directory - Their Expedition to Ireland - Landing at Killala - People of Ireland - Bishop Stock and Family - Sans Culottes - Teeling and Laroche - Anecdotes of them - General Humbert - The poor Fisherman - French Troops - Irwin's Opinion of them - Their defeat at Colloony - Limerick Militia - Col. Vereker - Final Defeat, and Capture of the French - Fate of Teeling, of T. W. Tone, and Laroche, &c., &c.. * Chapter II: Sudden alarm in Sligo - The grand flight - Characters who exhibited - Journey to School - P. V. Crofton - Pleasant campaign - Dreary road - Irish poor - Contented people - The two Lions - Schoolboys fired with military ardour - Delights of a school life - Musical professor - Professor of castigation - The flogging system not done away with - Scott - The walking gallows - Splendid supper - The ghost of Tickl'em - The black-hole-Generous cook. * Chapter III: 21st Fusileers - 89th Regiment - Opthalmia - Lord E. S. - Theatricals - Owenson - Songs - Acting - Miss St. Clair - Connoly - The leather breeches - False alarm - Society in Ireland - Duelling - Markham Kilmore - Mrs. Brimston - New way of learning to dance - The pistol thrower. * Chapter IV: Irish Duels - Daniel's Finest - Various ways of Fighting - Duelling in the Army - Fire-eaters - Troublesome Customers - Duel at Corfu - Ditto in Portugal - Captain Puff - P. O' Shaughnessy's Broad Hint - Colonel Henry Aston. * Chapter V: 7th Garrison Battalion - Gentlemen at large - Agreeable Occupation - Steelback - The Slough of Despond - Mistress Casey - Bridget and the Cat - The Holy 9th - Officers of the 7th Garrison Battalion - A true Disciple of the Martinet School - The lucky Major - Dunlop, Lane, & c. - The 32nd in Waterloo - Singular Circumstance - Death of Captain Boyce - The 42nd, and Queen's Germans - The Kilkenny Militia - Jovial Fellows - Pleasure of Mounting Guard - The bloodless Duel - The Limerick Lasses - The Soldier's Joy - Reception of the Military, on both sides of the Channel. * Chapter VI: The Route come - March described - Baggage guard - Married men in the army - Their situation in barracks - Ungallant Colonel - Sorrowful embarkation scene - The Ladies at sea - Married Ensigns - Ensign W. - A fortunate fellow - The happy couple - The raw Scotchman - The drop scene - Ladies in barracks - Mrs. Currie - Flora M'Donald. * Chapter VII: March resumed - Mr. Stackpool - The German Cavalry - Arrive in Clare, Galway - Convenient Barracks, and convenient memory - Fish Diet - The fortunate Lieutenant - The Ensign's pay - Galway Ladies - Pleasant times - Desecration of Sunday - Sir Andrew Agnew not patronised - Mrs. O. G's party - Julia MacN. - The Nunnery - The Major's promenade - Duelling in Galway - The female fire-eater - Capt. Popslow's courtship - Costume of the Army in 1807 - The Fringe Epaulette - Dress of the Officers - & c., c.. * Chapter VIII: Get ready to depart from Galway - Officers compare notes - The Regimental Tailor - Colonel Crosbie - Arrive in England - Deal Barracks - Old Charley - Advantages of the Soldier's Life - Plagues of Drill - Reviews ditto - Ensign Snodgrass - Feelings tried - The 18 Manœuvres - The Charge in Line - The Goose-step - Tricks among the Subalterns, and Party Work - The Coventry System and its effects. * Chapter IX: Duty of the Colonel - The Espionage System - The Confessor - The Standwells - Embarkation Scenes - Portsmouth - The Affecting Farewell Interview - The Transport System, and its Nuisances - Thirsty John - Gibraltar - Troops in Garrison - The 48th - Lieut. Ansaldo - Singular Fatality - The 61st - The Army in Portugal - Junot - Laborde, Loison, & c. - French Troops - British ditto. * Chapter X: The Charge - Erroneous opinions on the subject - Charge made by the 50th at Vimiero - Laborde - Modest Request - Charge at Maida - "Never despise an enemy" - Portugal in the Vintage - Encampments - A Day in Camp - Going into Battle - English Soldiers no Cowards - Night Attacks, & c. & c.. * Chapter XI: English mode of making the billet good - Apology for ditto - Portuguese and Spanish characters contrasted - As soldiers ditto - Dinny in distress - All good Cooks - Flint-soup - Night Marching - The Siesta - The Clerical fire-eater - Clerical dandy - Night Adventures in Ciudad Rodrigo - Gallant Irishman - The pretty thief - Death by "particularity" - Ensign O'Loughlin - The Colonel no friend to Irish fire-eaters. * Chapter XII: Salamanca - Sir John Moore, his character - His difficulties as compared with those of Wellington - His interment, as quoted from Lord Carnarvon - Conduct at the Siege of Calvi, & c. - Narrow escape - Bem-bibere - Paradise for topers - The 'tip-top' Colonel - A day in Office - The baggage-animals, and their flinty-hearted masters - Landing in England - A miss as good as a mile - Lieut. Askenough - Modest claims - Napoleon - His burial and character, & c.. * Chapter XIII: Marshal Soult - Ney - Quarters at home - Ashford, a dull place - St. Patrick's day - Altered times - A concerto in the barracks - Lieut. H. - Ingenious scheme - Old C. - The eccentric Drum-major - Pommelskin - Lothario in distress - Walcheren - The bag-pipe Amateur - Capt. Bains - The Puffers - Flushing - Sir Thos. Picton - The 77th Regt.. CONTENTS OF VOL. II - * Chapter I: Silver Hill - Employment there - Introduced to an old acquaintance - The Goose step - The polite enthusiast - Eastbourne - The 81st - Ensign Nugent - Bay of Biscay - Voyage to Spain - Lisbon - Convent of St. Antonio. * Chapter II: Lisbon - Remarks on the French mode of campaigning, with hints about the British - Massena (note) - The Knapsack - Army of Portugal, in 1811 - The Coa - Distress of the Army - Meeting of French and English 50th - Blustering Captain and Irish soldier - Maurice Quill's Opinion - No grog for Patrick's day - Departure from Lisbon - Regrets in consequences - Officers of the Party - Quixotic equipment, & c.. * Chapter III: Quarters in Portalegre - Pleasant Walks - Wood Cutting - Small Value of Human Life in Spain - Volunteers - Commissaries - Sir Thomas Picton - Saint Lawrence - Taste for Dining - Bad Policy in Hanging Commissaries - The Second Majors - Fond of Good Living, and of Ogling - The Unfortunate H.P. in quest of a Dinner - & c.. * Chapter IV: Markets - Modest prices - Pride unnecessary - Fine feelings thrown overboard - The Brigadier, and Ensign Fringe - Major Longbow - The 2nd Division - Petnames for the Divisions - The 28th and 34th, pair off - The fat Major - The 66th - The Electric-fluid at a premium - The Corinthian Light-bob - The Doctors - A Receipt to cure Malingering - Taken outwardly - Doctor O' Malley - New mode of killing the Doctors. * Chapter V: The Mad Medico - The Sporting Medico - Fatal effects of Gambling - Lieutenant Foley - The Roué - Malaga - Mr. Boydd - Cantonments - Customs of the Spaniards - Their Hospitality - Spanish Women full of Spirits - Cookery - The Nunnery of St. Clara, and the Fair Antonia - The Mother Abbess - Influence of Female Beauty. * Chapter VI: Almarez - Fire-eating Colonels - The Irish gun - The Frenchman puzzled - Capt. Candler - Dancing Spoiled - Placentia - Lt. Grey, his billet - The happy family - Sr. Pantalion - Spanish girls - Generous offer of the Madre - Alba - Soult's manœuvre - A blow up - Major Leith Hay - Anecdote of Wellington Taking it coolly - Retreat from Salamanca - Sufferings - General Paget - Seeing the world - Col. Napier's opinion - Value of a good blanket - Priests'-houses, and pretty Nieces. * Chapter VII: Feria, and the Guerillas - Don Julian Sanchos - Mountain Pass - Wild Scenery - Habits of the Guerillas - Ladies of Feria - Their Polite Accomplishments - Smoking - Wolves - Last Campaign - Fine Country - Peace and Plenty - The Lazy Artist - The Escurial - The knowing Forager - Dear Loaf - Pleasantries on the March - Pretty Girls in the Billet - A Receipt for Good Humour - Charms of the Spanish Women. * Chapter VIII: Vittoria - Morillo - Scenery - 87th Regiment - Colonel Cadogan - Joseph Buonaparte - Jourdan, and the other Generals - Sir Hugh Gough - Lieutenant Masterman - Fine Feelings - Anecdote of Schedoni - 2nd Battalion 83rd, and Major Hext - Are my Brains coming out? - Sir T. Picton. * Chapter IX: Passage of the Pyrennees - Delusive appearances - False alarms - Splendid scenery - Invasion of France - Bravery of the French - Encouragement to French officers - Ditto to British, medals, clasps, and crosses - Denied to Subalterns - Circumstances under which soldiers fight well - Gallantry of Lieut. Deighton - Danger of the colours in action - Anecdote of Sir Stephenson Barnes - Adjutant Cluff - Battle of Toulouse - The 11th Regiment - Lieutenant Duff - Captain Gualley - Lieutenant Arnaud. * Chapter X: Return of peace - Home Campaigns in Ireland - Ball and supper - The superfine family - The jumping Caledonian - Miseries of close quarters - Other miseries - The familiar cow - The amorous landlady - Useful occupation - Army not an idle life - Pretty Poll - The huge ensign of the 27th - The bed of Procustus - The "hole and corner system" not done away with. * Chapter XI: New way to pay old debts - Ensign Tippleton - Ensigncies at a premium - Disappointment of the fire-eaters - The Post Office - Old maids should not keep one - The royal Salamanders - Curiosity - Waterloo - Injustice to the Peninsula men - Presumption of certain would-be heroes - Campaign of second childhood - The black board - The infant Major - Good effects of dancing well - The mad Newtonian - Farnham. * Chapter XII: Capt. Charles - An Aristocratic Fete - Barbarous Custom - The Blue - Insolence of livery servants - The linking scene - The Isle of Wight - Pride of Office - Ensigns not allowed to think - Lieut. Singleton - The Barrack Amateur. * Chapter XIII: Adjutants - The Guardsmen - The Mad Adjutant (Buckram Lovedrill) his character - Paradise of Adjutants - Receipt for making a mad Adjutant - The mad Adjutant an Anti-Malthusian - Barrack life in the Isle of Wight - The ladies at war - The little Pandemonium - Ensign Griffenhoof - A barrack visit, or the rice pudding dancing a "pas seul" - Batchelors and their wives - Doubling up, & c. & c.. * Chapter XIV: Theatricals - Newport - Pizarro - Lieutenant C. - Captain K. - Stage-struck Heroes - Captain G. - Mr. Conway - The impatient Irishman - Captain Lovett, and the Doctor - Their beauty decided - The Wager - Military humour - The West Indies - The friendly Undertaker - First impressions - The parting Scene - Half-pay Life - Comforts of the Veteran - Finis.
dc.identifierS.C. 21677-78 V FOT. 38 E
dc.publisher.addressConduit Street
dc.relation.ispartofvolumeIn two volumes
dc.rightsmetadata only access
dc.source.placeB.N. C.E.A.P.
dc.subjectLiteratura de viagem
dc.titleCamp and Quarters
dc.title.subtitle(Scenes and Impressions of Military Life, interspersed with anecdotes of various well-known characters who flourished in the war)
person.givenNameJohn Henry
